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All tasks deserve attention

Who doesn't know that? 'Yes, I do ...!', and then after a while with the hand against the forehead, 'What was I supposed to do again?' Or 'Oh, totally forgot!'

Probably a familiar situation for most of us. Not only professionally, but also privately. Now important tasks will not slip through so quickly, because they remain top of mind. It is the smaller, less significant things that are more likely to be forgotten. But were they less significant? Especially if the action item was not just for yourself, its importance may be very different for you than for the other party.  No matter how significant the task, it deserves attention rather than being forgotten.

Calibrators Getting Things Done!

Calibrators like to learn and especially when it benefits their work. So we signed up for the Getting Things Done training. Two groups would attentively follow Maarten De Block on the Getting Things Done methodology for two sessions.

Already at the beginning of the training it became clear that this is not a methodology that is purely work related. It can be applied continuously in daily life. So both in the professional and private environment.

GTD training

The training

The training teaches you how to focus on the right priorities and projects. In addition, you will learn how to organize these in an optimal practical way. Getting Things Done is a five-step process that introduces you to different methodologies. It helps you focus on what is most important to you right now. The goal is to organize your work and private life so that it is immediately clear what you have to do where and when.

You don't only get theory. There are also many practical examples and joint exercises.


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Lessons learned

Already between the two sessions, it turns out that the training is perfect to put into practice. Both at work and privately! There are many points that sound very obvious and in practice purely and simply amount to a structured and consistent completion of your action points. Because that's what it's all about after all: getting things done. But it is the combination of the five process steps that can make the methodology work. And yes, discipline is still required. But when is it not...?

And perhaps one of the most striking outcomes of the training is that the methodology is perhaps more of a way of life than purely a tool to help you move forward. Creating peace in your mind. No more forgetting things, no matter how small. It can be used at any time. No matter what it is for. Every task, every thought, everything that occupies you, collect it, decide on it, organize it, evaluate it and above all: do it! Forget nothing anymore. Getting Things Done, getting some peace of mind!