Frederik Wouters
Given that we are interacting more and more with AI, this the EU AI Act is also relevant to us. Last week, Roos Dijkxhoorn, Floor Terra and Geoffrey Ceunen gave a session on the EU AI Act.
Here are some findings:
Given that we are interacting more and more with AI, this the EU AI Act is also relevant to us. Last week, Roos Dijkxhoorn, Floor Terra and Geoffrey Ceunen gave a session on the EU AI Act.
Here are some findings:
In the AI act, there are several actors.
Geoffrey Ceunen explained these. Here is a brief summary:
He also talked about risk levels (see image).
You see there
As you move from low to higher risk the obligations pile up.
The most important obligations are a conformance assessment, and a FRIA (Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment). Why do these serve? To ensure that the AI meets legal standards around security, transparency, and the protection of fundamental rights.
With AI, the surface (attack surface) increases. Roos talked mainly about how to protect users from the AI or the AI from hostile external users.
As with any IT system, it is critical to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data in your systems. Important frameworks already exist that are cybersecurity best practices. Some examples:
The bottom line is this:
These frameworks also always deal with
These are useful issues for any company serious about data security, and thus definitely worth considering!