In addition to training, Calibrate also gives its developers the opportunity to participate in events such as Laracon. Laracon is an event where developers get the chance to get acquainted with a community & a PHP framework that is attracting increasing interest over the years.

So a few Calibrate developers also went to Laracon in Amsterdam. Below a short flight about some of the speakers. 

Laravel Spark

Taylor Otwell, the original creator of the Laravel framework, gave an introduction to "Laravel Spark", an addition to the framework that focuses on the basic needs of an Enterprise application: subscription plans, invoices, coupons, team management, two-factor authentication, and so on.

These come as standard in Laravel Spark, which helps developers on their way to building an application. A first beta release is coming up and should be available from next month. You can already catch a glimpse of Laravel Spark.

Working with GIT

Lorna Jane Mitchell is a much sought-after guest speaker. She was also present at Drupalcon Amsterdam last year. This year at Laracon she gave advice on the use of advanced working methods with Git. Among other things, she gave tips on Git commands that improve your workflow, such as working with features under a master branch and implementing them with the right commands, Git submodules, etc...

For anyone who feels comfortable with Git, this lecture was highly recommended. You can find everything in her book "Git workbook".

Kost optimalisatie

Konstantin Kudryashov gave an interesting session on "Min-Maxing Software Costs". As the title suggests, he outlined the fact: bringing in the cost of a project and how to optimise it. He gives an explanation by means of 3 subbranches: Cost of Introduction, Change & Ownership.
He systematically gives advice and substantiates his opinion by means of real life experience, taking into account the scope of a project.

View the full presentation.

Package development

Hannes Van De Vreken gave a nice presentation on package development with many useful tips & tricks for the PHP developer to publish a package. Especially "Decoupling" seemed very interesting, who hasn't already had a conflict between the different versions of Guzzle in different packages? More in his slides, below.

Jeffrey Way

Finally, Jeffrey Way spoke.

Jeffrey Way is the founder of Laracast and contributor to the Laravel framework. Briefly he outlines that web development is not what it was so many years ago. The evolution of web development has created so many tools that it takes years to master this knowledge. For example, you have SASS preprocessing, task automation with Gulp, versioning with Git, virtual environments for development, to name but a few. With the necessary dynamism, he explains to us that simplicity and simplification are the key to success.

This ideology is reflected in the Laravel framework, which allows you to set up an application in no time and effectively focus on what you really want to do, namely building your "fantastic" application, another reason why Laravel is so successful.


Although above all the technical aspects, speakers and topics come up, Laracon was much more than that. Matt Stauffer presented how empathy can give you "superpowers" and Dries Vints called very warmly for more connectedness in the community.

Laracon 2015 has enlightened us a bit more in different ways and domains.