Everyone is online. Almost every company has a website, all built on content management systems (CMS). The amount of CMS are endless, but we strongly believe that Drupal is the right choice for the public sector. And not only because Drupal is an open source platform and therefore very much like a democratic participatory society. Drupal also offers more technical advantages than you might think at first glance.

As Drupal experts, we know the platform inside out. We have already used Drupal to build knowledge platforms, public web portals and connections between all kinds of CRM and HR software for several local authorities. 


Integration of Mijn Burgerprofiel in Drupal

Local administrations with a Drupal website have a leg up on others when it comes to implementing Mijn Burgerprofiel. Take the website of the municipality of Schilde, for example. There you can immediately see in the header how we have integrated Burgerprofiel. This building block can be easily copied to other Drupal websites.

From now on, residents of the Flemish or federal government can log in to Mijn Burgerprofiel with various authentication options - from itsmeĀ® over eID to SMS. Moreover, the Drupal CMS can be configured to allow other authentication systems as well.

WCAG and Drupal websites

Municipalities should be accessible for all. Not only our opinion, also that of the Flemish Government. In an accessible municipality, everyone has equal access to all buildings, public spaces and services. Of course, this also includes all digital platforms of local governments.

To structurally implement this digital accessibility, website builders look to the World Wide Web Consortium. They have introduced a number of guidelines called WCAG or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Those guidelines ensure that websites become more accessible to everyone, including citizens with challenges. Websites that adhere to the WCAG are easy to navigate for anyone with visual or other challenges, where things like contrast or readability are important.

WCAG voor brede website toegankelijkheid

That Web accessibility is ingrained in Drupal's values and principles, especially since Drupal 7. That's when the Web Accessibility Initiative was launched. With the advent of Drupal 10, this will be taken even further. Right now, you can already run Editoria11y Accessibility Checker on every page. This tool analyzes accessibility and offers relevant insights on what could be improved.

Drupal Multisites

Local administrations are often extensive and doesn't only take place in the town hall. External corporatized agencies and cultural organizations are also in the mix. Libraries and cultural centers, for example, are often part of local administration.

To consistently carry a municipality's storytelling and branding through every possible manifestation, a coherent design is much needed. Drupal lends itself perfectly to this. Thanks to the layout builder of our Drupal DXP, components only need to be developed once and can easily be reused afterwards. This is the case for the multisite of Sint-Niklaas, the combo Schilde and Werf 44, or Beveren and CC Ter Vesten. Moreover, we can provide a number of basic components from the corporate identity of Flanders out of the box.

This efficiency also applies to security and safety. Updates, such as security updates, are not done per site on such a platform, but are applied to the entire multi-site platform. That is a big advantage in terms of support and management: it saves money and saves time.


Drupal is known for working API-first. What does this mean exactly? When developing new Drupal versions, the connection to other business processes, services, content and data to external partners is always kept in mind. Put simply, Drupal links very easily with all kinds of other software, from Sharepoint over LB365 to UitInVlaanderen.

UiTinVlaanderen and Drupal

Local administrations and UiTinVlaanderen have been close friends for some time now. UiTinVlaanderen is the largest leisure agenda of Flanders and Brussels. That requires a substantial data exchange between local administrations and the UiTdatabank. In Drupal, that connection is quickly made. In the UiTdatabase, organizers of leisure events and city services enter all data directly and only once. That feed communicates fully automatically with the activity calendar. In other words: no more double work.


All these reasons make Drupal the CMS of choice for the public sector. Want to know more about the power of Drupal?