is the website where engineers, companies, government and training institutions are brought into contact with each other. As an engineer you can join the engineering association and enjoy training, networking and guidance in your career. More than 600 companies collaborate with IE-NET for: training, recruitment, employer branding and knowledge sharing. Discover the power of Drupal and CiviCRM.

IE-NET devices

Ingenieurs zijn de sleutel tot innovatie en ontwikkeling; ze zijn de motor van onze moderne economie en maatschappij. IE-NET wil ingenieurs dan ook versterken in deze rol door hen een krachtig platform aan te bieden. 

Om dit te verwezelijken diende de website voorzien te zijn van de nodige functionaliteiten en een gepaste uitstraling. Hiervoor contacteerden ze een web agency die deze digitale missie kon verwezelijken, namelijk Calibrate.

Engineers are the key to innovation and development; they are the engine of our modern economy and society. IE-NET therefore wants to strengthen engineers in this role by offering them a powerful platform

In order to achieve this, the website had to have the necessary functionalities and an appropriate look and feel. For this purpose, they contacted a web agency that could realise this digital mission, namely Calibrate.

Objectives of the new website

IE-NET's existing website could no longer allow the complex information flows between engineers, companies and the organisation of IE-NET itself to flow clearly. Moreover, the site did not have the look and feel you would expect from an innovative trade association for engineers. 

The user-friendliness of the registration procedures for training, study days and activities, such as the memberships that IE-NET offers to companies and engineers, also had to be taken care of by Calibrate.

On the new website, ie-net also wanted to offer the possibility to create a profile. Through this profile, engineers can make their data visible to other companies in the engineering sector.


IE-NET placeholder

Step 1: Information architecture

IE-NET contained a lot of information for both engineers and companies. To get this into a well-structured navigation, a well thought-out information architecture was essential. To achieve this, the focus was placed on the top tasks. For example, the overview of the magazines, info for companies and FAQ was very important. Clearer subdivisions were also made for the various department groups IE-NET has.

Step 2: Wireframing, user-flows and design

The information architecture was then visualised in wireframes by the UX designers. The entire user flow was taken care of and drawn out in wireframes. The biggest challenge here was the calendar with different types of training. During this phase, the various registration procedures for training courses and events were also considered, as well as the registration procedure for memberships as a company, engineer and supporting member.

On the basis of the wireframes, a design was drawn up that was in line with IE-NET's house style. We did, however, look at how things could be fresher and more modern in terms of look & feel.

Step 3: Development

Drupal logo


The Calibrate developers started this project from an existing CMS/CRM. IE-NET chose to continue working on its existing CRM. As a CMS system, Drupal was preferred, with a CiviCRM integration.

The advantage of Drupal as a CMS system is the flexibility to make the content pages easily manageable by the IE-NET editorial team. Within Drupal, different roles can be created per person, for example, a department head can create content as well as events, news and reports in his department page.

In order to ensure a smooth transfer from the existing website to the new website, a thorough migration plan was drawn up by Calibrate. The hosting was also transferred. More about this later.

CiviCRM logo


CiviCRM is a CRM system that supports organisations in managing contacts, membership, subscriptions and events. An absolute must for a member organisation such as IE-NET. 

Thanks to CiviCRM it has become possible to realise a complex membership structure on the IE-NET website. Depending on the profile of the person (age, partner & student/worker), an adjusted price of membership is shown. A number of rules have also been built up, which recognize when a user is a member or not. Based on this information, discounts can be granted automatically, a member is granted access to the membership register, etc...

We have also extended this for the events. On the basis of membership & employee at IE-NET partner, a corresponding discount code is applied at registration. For the payments we integrated Mollie.

After registration, members receive a user profile on the new IE-NET website. In this profile the engineers can manage their own data, such as name, function, contact details... Based on these data, IE-NET members can get in touch with each other via the member list. Also a concrete application of CiviCRM.

IE-NET ledenlijst

Financial integration:

  • Mollie as a payment system: as mentioned earlier, we linked Mollie as a payment system. This is a powerful and reliable API that allows payments to go smoothly through the subscription flows.
  • Link with accounting: We developed a simple link between event registrations and the accounting program, by using unique reference codes per event IE-NET can create participant lists and import them into their accounts using this reference code.
CarFreeDay Leuven

Calibrate has a team of more than 55 driven Drupal developers, UX-designers, data analysts, marketers, graphic designers ... Don't hesitate to contact us for free advice for your project.