'Big is beautiful', at least that is what we have heard on a regular basis in recent years. But this is not always true, because small has its charm too. That is also what we find at Calibrate, because we deliberately do not limit ourselves to just the most bombastic projects. The best example? Our two recent cases, on the websites of Claeys & Engels and The European Youth Plan.

In both cases, Calibrate was able to fulfil the client's wishes quickly and clearly. At both Claeys & Engels and The European Youth Plan, we created a tailor-made website, which we also built on site. In this way, we were able to communicate clearly and efficiently and make the entire process run quickly. Small websites that can be launched at short notice and can be easily managed by the client afterwards, that is also one of our strengths at Calibrate.


The GDPR of Claeys & Engels

Claeys & Engels is the first specialised law firm to offer a full service to both national and international clients in all matters related to human capital. As such, they offer a full legal service package in all matters relating to human resources, from six offices spread across Belgium. Claeys & Engels called in our help to set up a website on the General Data Protection Regulation, the new European measure to better regulate online data protection, and which will therefore have an impact on many HR departments. Companies will have until May 2018 to adapt their operations to the new directives, but Claeys & Engels wanted to set up its own website where everyone could look up the necessary details about the new GDPR.

Our web designer went to their head office to discuss what the expectations were and how we would proceed. After the first blueprint of the website was on the table, our designer immediately made a first design. This allowed us to quickly and efficiently respond to any comments Claeys & Engels had left, and we were soon able to fine-tune the visual aspect of the assignment. Once that part was completed, we sent our webdeveloper on the road. He, too, went to work on site at Claeys & Engels, from where he developed the website himself. In just a few weeks' time, he created a multilingual and responsive website, on which all possible information about the new GDPR can be found with a single mouse click. In addition, a convenient countdown was also provided on the website, so that everyone can see at any time when the new regulations are just coming into force. By being present at the client's site both during design and development, we were able to work quickly and efficiently to make gdprbelgium.be a success.

Youthplan devices

The European youth plan of PES

We followed a similar path on behalf of the Party of European Socialists (PES). This European political party is concerned about the fate of young people during the economic crisis - which has been going on for some time now anyway. In order to prevent a whole generation of young people from being lost to unemployment and social poverty, they doctored the European Youth Plan. This youth plan contains just about everything that should be close to young people's hearts in times of crisis and, of course, it also includes a functioning website. In addition, the website also had to be able to handle video content and seamlessly integrate various social media platforms, which is a matter of being able to fit in well with the world of young people.

Here, too, we once again went to work on the client's premises. In this way, the design and development of the website could be done in consultation with the client, so that we could immediately process the necessary feedback and make the requested changes live. As a result of this successful interaction, one consultant brought this assignment to a successful conclusion in barely two weeks. Through Drupal, we built a website that could manage the PES itself without any further help from us, and where the necessary expansion possibilities (extra languages, new pages, etc.) are available. This allows them to set up the necessary new actions themselves, as is/was the case with the Youth Action Days. Thanks to the structure of the site, managing such new features is easy and fast. In addition, we also provided the necessary tools for SEO optimisation, so that the website can continue to get the most out of the search results every time. In this way, Calibrate quickly built an efficient website that has everything to appeal to young people, and which can easily be taken into the hands of the client.

Every website made to measure

It is not because we already have the necessary expertise on board and can look back on successful collaborations with RSC Anderlecht, Medialaan, Thomas Cook or the Flemish Parliament, among others, that we would be focusing exclusively on these major players. We would also like to make an effort for more small-scale projects such as those of Claeys & Engels and the Youth Plan of the Party of European Socialists. After all, Calibrate is happy to provide a tailor-made solution for every customer. As we already showed in the above cases, we can help think up a more 'simple' website in the (very) short term and get it on the worldwide web. Together with you, we will look at your digital dreams, and apply the most assigned approach that best fits your purpose and budget. Planning to launch your own website, or to start a smaller side site? Then keep one desk free for our experts!

Also in need of design experts or help with your website?